Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Moving Again!

I know I haven't been working with Blogger.com very long, but I'm moving the blog!

I just set it up, so I haven't had time to make a template or anything for it, but I've imported everything from here, to there.

The new location of the blog is

I'll trick it out eventually, but it's a much better hosting site for what I need. It's more convenient for me and a whole lot better for what I'm doing. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances with blogs hosted on wordpress.

I've enjoyed my time here, but just as I left LJ for Blogger, I'm graduating the blog to bigger and better places!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Today's Idiot: Kyle Goeke

Today's Idiot may look familiar to you. He's my roommate and he also answers to Kyyyle. I have no link for you, because he's not important enough to warrant news coverage. But he's certainly stupid enough to be featured in his own Today's Idiot note. So sit back and scroll down through a tale of epic stupidity proportions.


The story begins at Jen's place, where Kyle is helping Carl with his Calculus homework. After helping him to an assumed perfect score, Kyle hops into his truck and heads home.

"Hmm," Kyle thinks to himself, "My truck like literally has no gas in it. I don't think I'll make it home."

After realizing this, Kyle decides to do the only logical thing and stop by a gas station and fill up. As he rummages through his wallet and pockets, Kyle comes up with $33 in cash. Knowing his truck will require more than $33 in gas, Kyle starts to fill up his truck, planning of using the ATM inside the gas station to get whatever extra cash he needs to pay for the gas. His total came up to $43.91 and he went inside the gas station. He pulled out his wallet and took out his bank card, prepared to withdraw an extra twenty dollars.

"Insert card," Kyle thought to himself and did so, "Enter PIN."

Here's where it gets good.

"Crap," Kyle thought, "I can't remember my PIN." He proceeds to frantically punch in ****, **** and **** in hopes of stumbling across the correct PIN. No luck. Kyle didn't have a credit or debit card, so he hung his head and approached the register and the attendant.

"Excuse me sir," he said politely, "I filled up my truck for $43.91 and I had $33 in cash and was going to take out the rest out of the ATM but I'm an idiot and don't remember my PIN number. Can I leave real quick and go get more money?"

Naturally, the cashier looked at Kyle incredulously, not quite sure if he heard this little redhaired guy correctly.

"I'll leave you my license and be right back," Kyle pleaded, "I only need eleven more dollars."

"You could just leave and not come back," the cashier said, "you could just get a new license. It's not that hard."

"Please man," Kyle begged, "I'll be right back. I promise." This exchange went on for a while before the cashier finally let Kyle go after taking his license and phone as collateral and took a description of his truck and his license plate number.

"Be back in less than an hour or I'm calling the cops," the cashier yelled as Kyle dashed out the door and to his topped-off truck. He set the timer on his watch to 1:00:00 and stuck the key in the ignition. He watched it fall for a few seconds before driving off.


"Gotta hurry, gotta hurry," he thought as he processed his options. His always dependable roommate was at the Mizzou baseball game and Kyle's phone was back at the gas station anyway, carefully guarded by the attendant. He parked in the VAG and dashed into his room to get his PIN number.

"Crap!" he yelled aloud, "I was a number off!" He ran out of the room and across the street to Hitt Street market to use the ATM there. He slid his card in and was stunned when the ATM wouldn't process the card due to the excessive incorrect PIN numbers entered back at the gas station. He sprinted back across the street and into his room to see if he could rummage up some cash, all the while frantically checking his watch.


He unlocked the door to find his roommate just returned from Mizzou's 9-8 walkoff win over Indiana State.

"Nate!" he screamed triumphantly, "Do you have any cash on you?"

"I've got a dollar, maybe," I answered and Kyle's face drooped noticeably, "sorry."

"I need eleven bucks," Kyle reiterated, "I may go to jail." And with that, Kyle retreated out of the room and headed off to Amanda's to see if she had any money.


He sprinted into Amanda's room a few minute later and frantically explained his predicament. Luckily for Kyle, Amanda did in fact have some money to spare and fished $15 out of her purse, handed it to Kyle and wished him godspeed.

Kyle, noticeably winded at this point, returned back to his truck and sped out of the parking garage, in route to the gas station. He was forced to stop at a light and cursed silently.


The light turned green and Kyle sped off towards the gas station, returning with the needed money. Almost there, a little Honda pulled out in front of him and proceeded very slowly in front of him. He couldn't pass her and his hour was dwindling down.


The Honda soon turned off and Kyle made it to the light that the gas station was located at. He barreled a yellow light and turned into the parking lot for the gas station. He dug the money out and ran across the parking lot to the store.


He pulled open the door and moved inside.


Navigated through an aisle of chips and beef jerky


And slapped the money down on the counter. Breathless he watched as the cashier scooped up the money and made about four dollars in change for Kyle.

"Thanks," the cashier said, "here's your stuff."

"Can I buy you," Kyle panted, "a soda?"


Kyle told me this story (albeit not quite verbatim) when he had returned back from the gas station. I felt that this story needed to be shared, coming a week or so after momentarily forgetting his social security number. I enjoy Kyle as a roommate, and these stories are a big reason why. Who wants a boring roommate that contributes nothing to the roommate relationship?

Mizzou Baseball

Went to my first Mizzou baseball game of the season this afternoon. Mizzou opened the season as the number 5 team in the country and we had played like it during the two tournaments that we played in (one in Florida and one in California) to open the season.

We won 9-8 today on a walkoff triple in the bottom of the ninth. It was a really good game as it started slow (1-0 after five innings) and then got exciting for the last four innings. We started our third best starter and he allowed only an unearned run in 6 innings. Our hitting busted the crap out of the ball all afternoon and we played some really impressive defense. I'd say that Mizzou has a chance to win the national title, but the bullpen is going to have to improve drastically. We went through three pitchers in the seventh inning, when Indiana State scored five runs on only four hits. Each of the three pitchers walked a batter and none of them could consistently could throw strikes.

With three starters like Crow, Gibson and Berger and an offense that can really smoke the ball, this is a team that is certainly capable of contending and winning a national title (which would be sweet). But the bullpen needs to throw strikes and attack hitters. The team also needs to be smarter on the bases. We had a couple of botched stolen base attempts and had a guy thrown out stretching a single and one gunned down after he overran third.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mizzou Condom Initiative

Over 18 months ago, a fraternity on Mizzou's campus proposed the idea of providing free sexual education information and simple contraceptives for Missouri students. They had no details mapped out, just an idea. For a few months, the administration of the University held open forums for students and faculty to seek opinions from the masses. I went to many of these forums, listening to other's opinions and offering my own.

At first, I was opposed to what has since become known as the Condom Initiative. My opposition wasn't based on any religious beliefs as many of the Initiative protesters were, but rather because I felt that if a college student deemed him or herself responsible enough to engage in sexual intercourse, then they should be responsible enough to obtain proper contraception. Condoms are not overwhelmingly expensive and are sold at every Mizzou Market on campus. They're also available for free at the student health center with education materials. But I was in a very small minority. The Initiative was very well-received and was soon being presented for support throughout the campuses' student organizations, mainly MSA and RHA. RHA unanimously voted to support the initiative and as an Executive Board member, representing the best interest of Mizzou's students, I switched my tune to support the process.

Because the people that I've been elected to represent want to see this initiative move forward, I feel that I am obligated to work to make this program come to pass. Therefore, I am working with the Missouri Student Association, Residential Life and the Missouri administration to find a way to make this work logistically and financially. Paying for all the dispensers and products will run up a bill of around $20,000. MSA has pledged to cover half of those costs, and while RHA has not discussed specific numbers within Congress, the Executive Board has tossed around covering half of the remaining costs, leaving $5,000 unaccounted for. We've talked about where to procure the remaining funding from and are pretty sure that we can raise the money through individual Hall Governments.

However, regardless of this hardwork by Missouri's student leaders, obstacles have arisen from the administration, particularly Chancellor Brady Deaton. He has for the most part, simply ignored the students' wishes and has continually added new stipulations for the project. The latest stipulation requires that the dispensers must be requested by students through their residence halls. Which means I have been tasked with visiting each Hall Government on campus requesting a petition of support from each government. Not an overly difficult task, but certainly a tedious and time-consuming one.

While the support from the student body is overwhelming, the cooperation from the higher-ups has been poor at best, and negligible at worst. Often the student opinion is overlooked by those that think they know better, but this time, the student leaders are not rolling over for the administration, but standing up for the student voices that have been adamant about the implementation of such an initiative.

There is a logistics committee that has formed and is currently meeting to hash out the finer details of the implementation. Another one of the Chancellor's stipulations is all dispensers must be tamper-proof and placed in areas that will guarantee the privacy of users while limiting exposure to other students. Which means more work for us. We'll have to find places that meet these requirements. The tampering is something that RHA included in their original resolution of support, so that's nothing new. I have been working tirelessly with MSA President and Vice President Jim Kelley and Chelsea Johnson to finalize things from the student side of this initiative.

Hopefully, something comes from all this hard work and we can see this plan come to fruition before the beginning of next year. It's been an arduous process and we're all looking forward to a resolution.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rivalry Renewed

Perhaps you heard what Hank Steinbrenner said about the infamous Red Sox Nation.

Red Sox Nation? What a bunch of [expletive] that is, that was a creation of the Red Sox and ESPN, which is filled with Red Sox fans.

Go anywhere in America and you won't see Red Sox hats and jackets, you'll see Yankee hats and jackets. This is a Yankee country. We're going to put the Yankees back on top and restore the universe to order.

Perhaps he was upset about Theo Epstein taking a cheap shot at Mike Mussina. Perhaps it was just the inevitable Steinbrenner coming out. But he's right.

Red Sox nation wasn't a defined entity until 2004. And then it exploded exponentially with wannabes who couldn't spell Papi. Now I'm not sure if you counted Sox hats vs. Yanks hats who would have more, but the Yankees outsell any team in the country, and in the world.

Now let me address the morons that ESPN employs to "analyze" baseball.

About an hour ago, the Baseball Tonight men just ripped into Hank for his comments about ESPN being full of Red Sox fans. They went on to say Hank doesn’t know what goes on behind the scenes at ESPN. John Kruk even invited Hank up to Bristol to check it out himself.

Alright, that sounds pretty good. Hank probably has never been to the ESPN studios or witnessed the production of a baseball broadcast. But he's still right, and ESPN's hurt that someone of substance finally called them out on it. Not a minute after the Baseball Tonight guys finished ripping on Hank, they run off this beautiful commentary.

Kruk said that Josh Beckett was a HOF pitcher.
Hmm...based on what, Kruk? 4 postseason starts? His 77 career wins or his 3.74 career ERA? He had a great year last year and has had a handful of great playoff starts, but that doesn't make you a HOF pitcher. Only a year ago, Beckett posted an ERA over 5.00 and led the league in home runs allowed.

Noted Sox fan Peter Gammons said that Jason Varitek was more important to the Red Sox than any other player on any other team in the game.
Right. A catcher that misses nearly 30% of the teams games over the last two years and then hits around .240 when he's in. I don't doubt he's an essential part to that team, but he's not even the most important player on his team, let alone in the entire league.

Then they all agreed the Yankees will struggle due to the fact that they have to rely on two kids (Hughes and Kennedy) in their rotation.
But the Red Sox will be fine. Perhaps they failed to realize that lardass Schilling is out and Boston too, will be relying on two kids (Buchholz & Lester). But they'll be fine, they're the Red Sox.

You know, in that segment, Donald Duck predicted that Donald Duck would win both the AL MVP and the AL Cy Young. And I'm beginning to think Donald is more baseball-savvy than any of the idiots ESPN parades out in front of their cameras.

ESPN is located in Bristol, CT. If Red Sox Nation actually physically existed, Bristol would be it's capital. Washed-up Sox beat writers go to Bristol to wither up and die. I've heard the argument that the Yankees get the most coverage, but none of it's positive. Everything's criticized. Journalism should be fair and balanced, not blatant propaganda.