Sunday, January 28, 2007


That one word pretty much sums up the first two weeks of the new semester. On top of fifteen hours and my duties as RHA's Communications Coordinator I've added the tasks of creating a platform and campaigning for office. Which isn't a walk in the park. I've had meetings with every sort of person imaginable the past two weeks.

Yesterday evening Justin, Greg and I paid a visit to the people that are catering out ball. Everything we sampled was absolutely phenomenal and it was hard to choose from seven entrees, a dozen side dishes and seven different desert options. We eventually settled on the sauteed chicken Parmesan, the roasted pork tenderloin and some sort of couscous vegetarian option just because we're required to cater to the needs of the special. We added the sides of green beans and a twice-baked potato, followed by an American chocolate cake.

Tomorrow I have a lunch date with the advertising/publicity director for Campus Dining Services (CDS) to discuss how our organizations are going to split the advertising for the upcoming Iron Chef Mizzou to be held in Brady Commons on February 15. There will be five teams of three, paired up with a chef from one of the Campus Dining Facilities. They'll follow the same basic format as the real Iron Chef. They'll be given a secret ingredient and a certain amount of times to make at least 3 dishes to be judged by celebrity judges.

The election will be held from midnight to midnight on Thursday, February 15 and will be voted on electronically. Greg and I worked out our platform on Tuesday and I've begun drawing up rough drafts of possible campaign material. We've been collecting signature sheets of endorsement and can officially announce our candidacy on January 29. Slates must be announced by February 5, and while there have been whispers of other possible slates forming, no slate has been definitively agreed upon yet. While having multiple slates would validate the election, I wouldn't mind running unopposed.

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