Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Today's Idiot: Zaid Jilani

This will be the beginning of an ongoing series. I'm decent at predicting the future, so I can say with a good amount of certainty that Hillary Clinton will appear here with regularity. UGA students will probably frequent this forum as well.

Today's culprit is a sophomore from the "esteemed" University of Georgia majoring in International Studies.

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Inaugural Idiot, Zaid Jilani
Sketchy major nonwithstanding, UGA let him write for the student paper for some reason. Apparently there's no screening process for aspiring journalists there. Anyone that can write (or repeat what he's heard from other ignorant liberals) is welcome.

Jilani's Opinion Article in the "Red and Black" student newspaper.

He begins his article by saying that he noticed that his University Union had invited a conservative talk radio host, Neal Boortz to speak at his University. Then he continues with the following line: "Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge defender of free speech..." and then he proceeds to list reasons why the aforementioned talk show host should NOT be allowed to speak. So he's a huge defender of free speech, as long as that speech is something he agrees with. Typical foreign liberal.

He goes on to incorrectly claim that Boortz "doesn't have to actually research what he says, or make logical arguments, or maintain academic decorum." Ooooh...someone discovered his laptop had a thesaurus feature. Since most of what he said about Boortz was wrong, I guess Mr. Jilani doesn't actually have to research what he writes.

He calls Boortz's favorite targets "defenseless" targets. Such as "mothers on welfare, the homeless, Muslims and immigrants." Convince me that Muslims are defenseless. Convince me they don't strap bombs to themselves and blow things up in the name of religion. Convince me they don't advocate beating their wives. By "defenseless" I must assume that Zaid means "not intelligent enough to make a cognitive argument against Neal Boortz."

After a veiled death threat, (I thought Muslim death threats were rarely veiled?) he calls himself an "over-educated, socialist liberal." The last part I agree with. The over-educated part however, makes me laugh. Grow up kid, and realize that you have no Constitutional right not to be offended. Mr. Boortz in fact does have the right to say what he likes.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, as if Zaid gets to be an idiot, you have proven yourself to be a conceited, self-righteous douche. All this article showed is that you're a hypocrite, by attacking him for his 'attack' on free speech. As you said, Boorz can say whatever he wants. And Jilani can say whatever the hell he wants, so piss off. And also, good job proving yourself as a standard, ignorant hyper-conservative. Convice you that Muslims don't strap bombs onto theirselves? Job well done being a stereotypical, racist bigot. I'll bet you're the same kind of person that belives the Iraq War was justified, and has nightmares that Iran is going to nuke us if we don't invade. I might sounds biased, but I don't give a damn. If I am, it's biased towards actually thinking, instead of spouting the bull that you have, Ballance.

Anonymous said...

How about you just cut to the chase an name yourself as the perpetual idiot of the day, Ballance. I don't see anything Mr. Jilani had to say that was false, and he didn't say Boortz shouldn't be allowed to speak. He said that the University shouldn't waste its money PAYING him to come and speak, when its employees are underpaid and Boortz won't contribute anything of any educational value.

Anonymous said...

Beer is awesome. Muslims hate beer. Therefore the world needs more beer and less Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Neal Boortz is a boor.