Saturday, December 1, 2007

Today's Idiot: Bill Clinton

Recently, it's been Bill's husband making the stupid proposals and comments, but Bill joins the fun this week.

The other day, Bill publicly complained about the other Democratic candidates saying, "those boys have been getting tough on her lately."

Too tough Bill, really? Let's review.

Gennifer Flowers: Had a 12-year affair with Bill Clinton, during his "marriage to Hillary.
Dolly Kyle Browning: Bill Clinton's high school girlfriend, with whom he had continued sexual relations with up to 1992.
Juanita Broaddrick: In 1998, she revealed that she was allegedly sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton two decades earlier.
Kathleen Willey: Sexually harassed by President Clinton when she met with him in the Oval Office to discuss full-time employment.
Paula Jones: Dropped her sexual harassment suit against Bill Clinton when she was paid $850,000.

Now, I'm one that's always suspicious of sexual harassment charges brought on, especially against high-profile figures, and then even more so when they're dropped. But I'm noticing a pattern here, not an isolated occurance.

Now I'll ask Bill. Who's been more "tough" on Hillary? Your multiple partners duringand throughout your marriage, or her fellow candidates that drill her (no pun intended) on her flip-flopping political stances, most notably the illegal immigrant driver's license bill in New York and planting questions in her appearances?

And I also have a problem with their handling of this situation. Any normal woman would divorce a man that has allegedly had affairs and raped other women. But this is what Hillary wants. She sticks by her man, plays the victim card and collects the female vote by playing the role of "supportive wife" which is insulting to all real wives in real marriages everywhere.

Hillary is a pathological liar and master control freak/manipulator. And America has about a year left to figure that out.


Anonymous said...


Dear American Friend,

I have attached my “Hillary file” which is culled from the 205+ books and other media that I have on Hillary and Bill. The Clintons are thugs. On the campaign trail in 2007 Hillary and Bill are play acting as the loving, respectful couple – singing each other’s praises on stage and engaging in public affection as they troll for votes.
In order to understand Hillary and Bill, one must first understand the wildly dysfunctional Jerry Springer lifestyle they have lived for 36 years. Hillary has covered for Bill who not only has had HUNDREDS of women, but also perpetrated several rapes and vicious sexual assaults, often involving biting the lips of the women victims. In order to cover up this Jerry Springer chaos, Hillary has often used Sopranos tactics: a secret police and criminal intimidation tactics to harass, intimidate and terrify Bill’s sex victims and girlfriends.


These tactics include the savage beating/almost murder of Gennifer Flower’s neighbor (Gary Johnson – 6/26/92), criminal harassment campaigns on Kathleen Willey (1997-98 car vandalism, stole or killed her cat Bullseye, witness tampering), Liz Ward Gracen (who Bill probably raped [1983] while she was Miss America – harassed/threats, 1997), Gennifer Flowers (break-ins, threats, 1992), Sally Perdue (car vandalism, threats, 1992), Bobbie Ann Williams (break-in), Christy Zercher (a flight attendant, groped 1992, break-in, 1994), Patrick Knowlton (extreme harassment campaign Oct. 1995; witness tampering), Suzi Parker (a journalist harassed off Arkansas tainted prison blood scandal 1999, fearing for her life), Connie Hamzy (lying campaign, 1991) and Juanita Broaddrick (raped by Bill 1978, break-in and IRS audit when she went public in 1998). It is not a stretch to say that Hillary, Bill and Buddy Young may have organized the murder of their former contract employee Jerry Parks on 9/26/93 because he knew too much about the Clintons.
Hillary and Bill were well on the way to crucifying Monica Lewinsky as an unstable stalker, liar and fantasist - – and would have done so if Bill’s semen had not been found on Monica’s blue dress. Hillary’s private eyes were already digging into Monica’s past, when the real story was the Clintons’ criminal track record.
Additionally, biographer Roger Morris describes a vicious sexual assault by Bill on a woman (around 1980) on p.238 in his book Parters in Power. Journalist Michael Isikoff details a extremely crude sexual advance by President Bill in 1996 on a lady married to a Democratic VIP on p.162 of his book Uncovering Clinton. Additionally, pervert Bill exposed himself to Paula Jones in May, 1991 and also to Carolyn Moffet in 1979.
Other Clinton dysfunctions include Bill’s cocaine addiction as governor, Hillary’s lesbianism and the fact that Chelsea is probably the seed of Webb Hubbell, NOT Bill Clinton. Bill’s only offspring is probably Danny Williams, the product of deadbeat dad Bill’s cocaine-fueled sex orgies with (no condoms) drug-addicted street hooker Bobbie Ann Williams and her girlfriends back in 1983-84. Bill paid $200 to Gennifer Flowers so she could have an abortion in Jan., 1978, just 3 months before Bill’s double rape of Juanita Broaddrick on 4-25-78. Bill severely bit Juanita’s lip to disable her during the rapes. Also, wild Bill, brother “Roger the Dodger” and best friend Dan Lasater were partying with high school girls and providing them cocaine when Bill was governor in the early 1980’s.
And, of course, there is Hillary’s long and intense affair with Vince Foster who was her emotional husband while Bill was screwing everything in sight. Hillary has a long record of fomenting domestic violence with Bill. The Secret Service, fed up with this insanity, leaked to the press Hillary smashing a lamp during an argument with Bill. Hillary has often thrown objects at victim Bill.
Hillary has used criminal tactics such as a secret police and illegal IRS audits to go after both political enemies and Bill’s sex victims and girlfriends. It was probably Clintons’ FBI who put a rotating harassment team of 25 people on Patrick Knowlton, a witness in the Vince Foster investigation, on October 26, 1995, and continuing for a week. What the Clintons did to Patrick Knowlton was Clinton street fascism as well as witness tampering.
This was a prelude to the intimidation campaign waged on Kathleen Willey in 1997-98 before her deposition in the Paula Jones case. Paula Jones who Bill exposed himself to, rape victim Juanita Broaddrick, probable rape victim Liz Ward Gracen, and mistress Gennifer Flowers all got audited by Clintons’ IRS in the late 1990’s.
Floyd Brown’s offices were burglarized in 1992 and only his Clinton files were stolen. Brown’s private phone conversations were illegally wiretapped by Hillary’s goon Jack Palladino. Another one of Hillary’s thugs, Anthony Pellicano is in jail in LA for the same kind goon tactics he did for the Clintons in 1992.
Clinton biographer Emmett Tyrrell also had his offices twice broken into and his NY apartment invaded once. The manuscript of Tyrrell’s book Boy Clinton was stolen when he couriered it to Robert Novak for a blurb. Clintons thugs tried to intimidate 2 of Tyrrell’s researchers in Little Rock.
Also, at least one independent counsel in the 1990’s took to carrying a gun after being harassed by Clinton goons in yet another intimidation event.


Many people close to the Clintons describe Hillary as rude, vulgar and abusive, not just with staff and co-workers, but especially with Bill who she made a sport of ridiculing, according to L.D. Brown, Bill’s favorite state trooper. Hillary is well known for making mean, vicious and personally degrading comments often towards people who work for and with her. She probably got that from her dad Hugh Rodham, a deeply disturbed man.
Hillary and Bill are sociopaths, not unlike serial killers such as Ted Bundy. Seemingly personable and normal while brown nosing wealthy contributors or opinion makers, Hillary and Bill have no regard for the integrity and well being of others. They disregard rules and lie with practiced ease, not feeling guilt or empathy for others.
Bill is the kind of guy who can rape your sister upstairs and then come down to the living room and tell you what a great book he has read about women’s rights. Hillary is the kind of person who can be in the kitchen calling up a secret police to terrify your rape victim sister into silence, and then come out to the living room and ask what do you think about her latest speech on women’s and children’s rights.
Some of the goons that Hillary has used to cover up her and Bill’s Jerry Springer lifestyle and criminal activity include Ivan Duda (1982), Jerry Parks (1980’s), Jack Palladino (1992) and Anthony Pellicano (1990’s). Pellicano is now in JAIL in Los Angeles for the same kind of thug intimidation tactics that Hillary hired him for. Also, Buddy Young, the head of Bill’s trooper detail and who Bill made #2 at FEMA, is additionally a dangerous criminal that Hillary and Bill has employed in their black operations. Terry Lenzer is also someone Hillary has used extensively.
Please forward this information to your Democratic friends and co-workers and ask that they (and you) vote for and support John Edwards, Barack OBAMA, Bill Richardson or any other Democratic candidate, and NOT Hillary. The difference is Hillary will break your kneecap to get to the White House; the others will not.
Thank-you and have a great day!

Robert Morrow Clinton expert Austin, TX 512-306-1510

Anonymous said...


Kathleen tells what Hillary’s
Goons did to her (1997-98):

“They threatened my children. They threatened my friend’s children. They took one of my cats [Bullseye] and killed another [Blarney]. They left a skull on my porch. They told me I was in danger. They followed me. They vandalized my car. They tried to retrieve my dogs from a kennel. They hid under my deck in the middle of the night. They subjected me to a campaign of fear and intimidation, trying to silence me.”

[Kathleen Willey, Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, p. x]

Jack Palladino says “The only regret that I have about that whole thing was that Hillary did not pay me in a timely fashion.” [Kathleen Willey, Target, p. 212]

Kathleen and Ed Willey were major Virginia fund raisers for Bill in 1992. Bill hit on Kathleen during the campaign and tried to entice her to come screw him at his hotel late in the '92 campaign. Kathleen did NOT. Later when Bill was elected Kathleen, excited that her candidate had won, went to work as a volunteer in the Social Office of the White House.
In late 1993, Kathleen was told by her husband Ed, a real estate lawyer, that he had been embezzling from his clients escrow accounts to pay their bills and income taxes. Ed's clients had found out about this and were on the war path. The world of the Willey family was caving in. The Willey family (Kathleen, Ed and their 2 college-aged children Shannon and Patrick) had a gargantuan fight over this on Sunday, Nov. 28, 1993.
Kathleen told Ed that she was going to see Bill at the White House the next day (11-29-93) and see if he could get her a job or somehow help her in this huge financial disaster. Ed, hearing this, the next day (Monday), distressed at 1) being broke 2) probably going to jail over embezzlement 3) his family was falling apart 4) humiliated that Bill and all his political and social friends would soon know of his problems -- Ed went out in the woods on Monday and committed suicide by BLOWING HIS BRAINS OUT with a gun on Monday afternoon.
While Ed was committing suicide, Kathleen got an appointment to see Bill in the afternoon. Kathleen was in a state of extreme emotional distress and was going to see Bill for help and NOT to provide sexual favors. The Pervert-In-Chief Bill listened for a bit then he made one of his usual crude, ugly unwanted sexual advances on Kathleen. Pervert Bill has done this for decades: rape of Juanita Broaddrick (1978), exposing himself to Paula Jones (1991), he may have date raped Miss American Liz Ward Gracen (1983), probably raped Eileen Wellstone at Oxford in 1979, exposed himself to Carolyn Moffett (1978) plus several other cases were this crazed sex monkey bites and bruises women in vicious, ugly, unwanted, sexual advances.
Bill's crude sexual advance was nothing compared to Hillary's Terror Campaign of witness tampering
that she and Jack Palladino waged on Kathleen after Kathleen got deposed in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Basically, Hillary and her goons waged a campaign of criminal intimidation and witness tampering to make Kathleen keep quiet about what Pervert Bill had done to her on 11-29-93 at the same time her husband (unknown to Kathleen) was blowing out his brains in a state of humiliation.
Hillary has spent her entire adult life covering for a rapist, pervert and serial sexual predator. The terror campaign waged on Kathleen was the rule and not the exception. As early as 1974, Hillary sent her father Hugh Rodham and brother Tony down to Arkansas to chase off Bill's women (Marla Crider in particular) in the 1974 congressional campaign. By 1978 Hillary knew about and helped cover up Bill's rape of Juanita Broaddrick. In 1982 Hillary hired Ivan Duda to get the names, addresses of Bill's women so they could "shut these bitches up." In the late 1980's Hillary and her boyfriend Vince Foster hired Jerry Parks to do surveillance on wild Bill to document his gargantuan womanizing and drug use as governor.
In 1992 Hillary was hiring Jack Palladino and Anthony Pellicano (now in JAIL in Los Angeles) to conduct terror and intimidation campaigns against Gennifer Flowers and Sally Perdue among others. Hillary's and Bill's goons beat up and nearly murdered Gary Johnson on 6-26-92 to cover up Gennifer Flowers affair. Gary Johnson was Gennifer Flowers' neighbor and he had videotapes of wild Bill going into Gennifer's condominium. The near murder of Gary Johnson is a prime example of Clinton thuggery.
Hillary's terror campaign against Kathleen Willey is the rule and not the exception in Hillary's lifelong defense of a pervert and sexual predator. Hillary is irresponsible with power - a felonious criminal - and she is completely unqualified for any public office, much less her delusions of the presidency.

Terrorizing Kathleen Willey
Stealing or killing her cat Bullseye,
Nailgunning her car tires
Tampering with a witness
I was “Very, very, very frightened”

The near fatal attack on Gary Johnson by Clinton associates is exactly what I mean when I say that the Clintons are street thugs. Another example is the frightening harassment of Kathleen Willey just before she was going to give a deposition in the Paula Jones case on Jan. 10, 1998. Goons sent by either the Clintons or a major campaign contributor, perhaps Nathan Landow, conducted a terror campaign intent on silencing Willey, whose husband had committed suicide on the same day Kathleen was sexually harassed by Clinton on 11-29-93. Kathleen says Bill “forcefully attacked” her and “his hands were all over me. His hands were up my dress.”
The terror campaign of witness tampering against Kathleen occurred in the months before her deposition which was scheduled for 1-10-98. Someone shot a nail gun many times into 3 of her tires. It was vandalism with intent to terrorize. Here is Kathleen telling author Candice Jackson about this psychological terrorism:
“I remember standing at the tire place,” she told me, “on a warm September day, waiting for them to fix my car.” The mechanic approached her saying “It looks like someone has shot out all your tires with a nail gun; is there someone out there who does not like you?” I can hear the shiver in her voice as she says, “That really got my attention; that’s when I started getting worried.”
[p.153, Their Lives: the Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine, Candice Jackson]
Kathleen’s cat of 13 years, Bullseye, mysteriously disappeared. The next morning after she had given her deposition, Kathleen found the severed head of a small animal on her front porch - a few feet away and facing her. (Sellout, p. 118). Willey in her own words says she was “very, very, very frightened” [Their Lives, p. 154] That is 3 “verys” quoted verbatim. Also, on Jan 8th, 1998, just two days before her deposition, a menacing stranger man approached her and asked her about her car tires, her missing cat Bullseye and her children – by name. He said “Don’t you get the message?”
Here is what Kathleen told CNBC’s Chris Matthews: “He asked me, ‘Did you ever find your cat [Bullseye]?’ And I said, “No, I haven’t and we really miss him.’ Then he said ‘Did you ever get your tires fixed on your car?’ And I said ‘No’ and that’s when the hair really started standing up on my neck.”
The menacing stranger then said “That cat, he was a nice cat. Bullseye was his name, wasn’t it?” Kathleen added, “He asked me about my children by name. He said, ‘How are your children, Shannon and Patrick?’ It was a very insidious thing and it was meant to scare me.”
Private investigator Jared Stern said in March, 1998 that he was asked by Robert Miller (then head of a private investigation firm Prudential Associates) to do a noisy investigation of Kathleen Willey – looking at her phone records, finding if she took medication, going through her trash. A “noisy” investigation was meant to scare and intimidate Kathleen. Miller was working at the behest of the lawyer of Nathan Landow (a huge Democratic fundraiser). Robert Miller told Jared Stern that the “WHITE HOUSE” was behind the intimidation campaign request. [p. 381, Uncovering Clinton]
ABC News Jackie Judd interviewed Jared Stern’s lawyer Edward Bouquet:
Bouquet: “I think he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do something that he wasn’t comfortable with.”
Jackie Judd: “ Bouquet claims Stern was so uncomfortable he called Willey and left a message – using an alias – warning her that someone wanted to do her harm …”
[ABC News, 2-1-99]

Two days after Kathleen’s deposition (1-10-98) in the Paula Jones case, Hillary’s goons were at it again (1-12-98):
“On Monday, two days after I was deposed, I was home alone. Just as the sun was coming up, I opened my front door to let my dogs out. On the porch in front of me was a new horror. A small animal skull was lying on the bricks staring at me. It was bare bone, empty, dry, sitting a few feet from the door. It was the size of a cat’s skull.
I thought of Bullseye. Had they killed my wonderful old cat?”

[Kathleen Willey, Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, p.125]

What kind of people are the Clintons? They are the kind of people who will kill a widow’s cat, Bullseye, in order to terrify her into not telling the truth. Or they will look the other way while major contributors hire thugs to terrify innocent people. Hillary and Bill are morally corrupt degenerates; they are completely unqualified to hold any political office – at any level – in the USA. They practice 3rd world politics and have no problem using violence and committing crimes to achieve political ends.
Is Hillary Satan? No. But Hillary is someone who has sold herself to the Devil and people like that do not need to hold political power anywhere at any time. Bill is like Alex and his “droogies,” from the movie “A Clockwork Orange,” whose main interests were rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven. Hillary is a power maniac who jumped on the back of a sex maniac and rode him all the way to the White House.

Kathleen tells what Hillary’s
Goons did to her:

“They threatened my children. They threatened my friend’s children. They took one of my cats and killed another. They left a skull on my porch. They told me I was in danger. They followed me. They vandalized my car. They tried to retrieve my dogs from a kennel. They hid under my deck in the middle of the night. They subjected me to a campaign of fear and intimidation, trying to silence me.”

[Kathleen Willey, Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, p. x]

Kathleen Willey’s home broken into
on 8/31/07; a copy of her manuscript stolen:
her book “Target: In the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton”

Check out this article in WorldNetDaily on this latest break-in:
Kathleen Willey is writing about the witness tampering and intimidation campaign waged on her by Hillary and her goons in 1997 and 1998. On August 31, someone broke into her home and stole a copy of her 230-page manuscript for her book “Target: In the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton.” Kathleen says, “I think it’s a Clinton operative. It sounds like Watergate. It’s amateurish, but I know they are not amateurs.” [Style Weekly, 9-5-07, accessed on 9-6-7 ]
Her purse was stolen, which she later found in the woods with the credit cards in there, but the cash stolen. “What really has Willey reeling is that she discovered one of her two book manuscripts missing from the desk in her first-floor study. She says someone had also gotten onto her laptop computer, broken her car antenna and did something that caused her DirecTV service to malfunction.” [Style Weekly, 9-05-07]
“I think they were looking for one thing and they made it try to look like a petty burglary,” she says. “It’s scary stuff to realize somebody was in your house. I’m still scared.” [Style, 9-05-07] In other words, perhaps Hillary’s thugs were looking for her book manuscript and staged a burglary to cover that up – with the Clinton’s track record anything is possible including beating up and possibly murdering people.

Clinton thugs beat and almost murdered Gary Johnson during 1992 campaign –
and stole key videotapes of Bill [the beating, almost murder, of Gary Johnson on 6-26-92]

Hillary and Bill use violence to cover up their wildly dysfunctional Jerry Springer lifestyle. Hillary, Bill, Buddy Young or someone in the Clinton organization sent 3 goons to beat up and almost murder Gary Johnson, who was Gennifer Flowers’ neighbor. Gary Johnson had a security camera installed at his condominium and by chance he had many tapes of Bill entering Gennifer’s condominium while governor (and obviously, “married” to Hillary). Bill felt free to live life as a sex maniac, but he was paranoid that anyone would get pictures or videos proving his lifestyle. Gary Hart, in 1988, had his presidential campaign sunk because of pictures of him and Donna Rice sitting in his lap, on the yacht Monkey Business, were printed by the National Enquirer.
In my opinion, Hillary and/or Bill Clinton personally sent thugs who beat up Gary Johnson and left him for dead on June 26th, 1992, right in the middle of the 1992 presidential campaign. Both of Johnsons’ elbows were dislocated, his collar bones broken and his spleen and bladder were ruptured. Johnsons’ nose and sinus cavities were crushed. Johnson says that these 3 big, beefy men with crew cuts “looked like [Arkansas] state troopers” and they savagely beat him, nearly killing him, after Gary handed over his videotapes of Clinton entering Flowers’ apartment.
Bill and Hillary had appeared earlier in ’92 on the show 60 Minutes (right after the Super Bowl on 1-26-92), pretending to be a happy family and Bill said he had only talked to Gennifer twice and saying he had never been to her condominium and, of course, did not have an affair with her. Videotapes proving that he had been frequently to Flowers’ condominium would have imperiled his ’92 presidential campaign. In fact Bill was screwing Gennifer from 1977, the year he got her pregnant, until 1989. Not only did Bill helped pay for Gennifer’s abortion (in Jan. 1978) after she told him she was pregnant in December 1977, but Bill later told his close aide, Arkansas state trooper Roger Perry, that Gennifer “could suck a tennis ball through a garden hose.” (Boy Clinton, p. 278)

Bill and Gennifer: sex freaks lathered
in honey, ketchup, milk and “whatever”
Hillary’s secret police used to stop
ugly truth from getting out in ’92 campaign:

Gennifer says that Bill used to play sex games with food: “Bill would slowly squeeze the honey all over my body; then sensually rub it all over me … We also used to love to sit on the floor and play sex games using all sorts of food. He would blindfold me, then go to the kitchen … I loved it when he would slowly pour juice into my mouth until it overflowed, and little streams of liquid would trickle down my naked body. Before long we’d both be so turned on, he’d be rubbing this smooth, gooey mixture all over me. He’d take me to the bed, I’d pull him down on top of me, and we’d make love. What a sensation! … After those food fests we’d both be covered with ketchup and milk and whatever …” [Gennifer Flowers, Passion and Betrayal, p.74-75]
Bill and Gennifer were also into bondage, dripping wax, ice cubes and spanking – all the standard sex freak stuff. Their nickname for Bill’s penis was “Willard” and Gennifer in her book says Bill would refer to Hillary as “Sarge” or “Hilla the Hun.” [When with Dolly Browning, Bill would call Hillary the “Warden.”]

Gennifer takes on Bondage Bill with a dildo-shaped vibrator

Bill, in his 60 Minutes interview with Hillary on 1-26-92 denied ever having an affair with Gennifer, calling the allegations “false.” Hillary and Bill are genetically unable to tell the truth or say “no comment.” They have to lie and deny, lie and deny, all the while siccing a secret police on the victims. Bill did tell CBS interviewer Steve Croft that Gennifer was “an acquaintance. I would say a friendly acquaintance.” Yep รจ:
Gennifer says she took silk scarves and tied up Bill to her bedposts. Gennifer says, “I teased him and played with him until he was almost out of his mind with excitement … Bill, as always, wanted to take it a step further, so the next time I tied him to the bed, he asked me to use a dildo-shaped vibrator on him. It was exciting to see him getting so aroused, and I couldn’t wait to untie him so he could use it on me.” [Passion and Betrayal, p. 75]
Flowers later told Larry King on national TV that once in the Arkansas Governor’s mansion she gave Bill a blow job, while Bill, standing in a window, waved at Hillary who was standing outside below!
Bill, Hillary, and their secret police in the 1992 campaign were desperate to prevent the truth about the Bill’s affair with Gennifer and a 100 other similar stories from their wildly dysfunctional Jerry Springer lifestyle from becoming public. The Clinton’s secret police, hired by Hillary, used illegal and criminal intimidation tactics to shut people up, all the while the Bill and Hillary were lying through their teeth about these so-called “rumors.” I believe that Bill/Hillary ordered Buddy Young to beat up and nearly kill Gary Johnson, Gennifer Flowers’ neighbor, because he had security camera tapes of Bill entering her condominium. The 3 thugs, beefy and wearing short hair cuts like Arkansas state troopers, stole Gary’s videotapes.

Bill bites lips when he sexually assaults
Same modus operandi as serial killer Richard Macek, “the Mad Biter”
Biting lips is a common submission technique of rapists

Biographer Roger Morris, on page 238 of his book Partners in Power, tells of another savage sexual assault by Bill that involved his lip biting modus operandi for sexual assaults:

"A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her. Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all quiet for the sake of her own hard-won career and that of her husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980 Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. 'If you ever approach her,' he told the governor, 'I'll kill you.' Not even seeing fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly promised never to bother her again." [Partners in Power, page 238]

Roger Morris interviewed the anonymous couple who are socially prominent in Arkansas in late 1993 and again in early 1994.
Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Miss America 1982, says she had a consensual affair with Bill Clinton in 1983, at age 22 and newly married. But that is not exactly what her friends say both under oath and privately. Gracen’s friend Judy Ann Stokes stated under oath that Gracen was in tears as she privately described Clinton pushing himself on her in the back seat of a limo and she said she did not want the sex. Revealingly, Gracen told Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff that Bill had severely bitten her lip in bed (although Gracen now says the sex was consensual). Clinton has attacked other women by biting their lips.
Gracen in the early 1990’s benefited from Bill’s Hollywood friends Mickey Kantor and Harry Thomason as they got her a TV miniseries job with no audition. Back then in 1992, Gracen was denying she even had an affair with Clinton. Elizabeth still won’t say it was rape today, but Elizabeth was still tearful about her sexual experience with Bill in a 1998 interview with the NY Post.

Bill’s 1978 rape of Juanita Broaddrick
Bill bites lips when he is in rape mode

On April 25, 1978, Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton, the state’s highest law enforcement official, raped Juanita Broaddrick (without a condom), and while doing so he savagely bit her top lip to subdue her. Juanita was a county coordinator for Bill and a volunteer in his ’78 gubernatorial campaign. Juanita says she will never forget Bill putting his sunglasses on afterwards then telling her to put some ice on her mangled lips. Bill: “You might want to put some ice on that.” Bill, the Rhodes Scholar Rapist, then told Juanita don’t worry about getting pregnant because I had the mumps as a kid and I am sterile. [What makes all this even more sicko is that Bill had recently impregnated Gennifer Flowers and gave her $200 to get an abortion in January, 1978; then 3 months later Bill rapes Juanita and tells her is sterile. Full-blown sociopath.]
Juanita’s friend Norma Rogers-Kelsay found here in her hotel room after the rape. Juanita says “I was sitting there crying and so upset at the time … I felt like the next person coming through the door [was coming] to get rid of [my] body. I absolutely could not believe what had happened to me.” Reporter Jon Doughtery says Kelsay “found Broaddrick in a state of shock, her lip swollen, mouth bruised, and her pantyhose torn at the crotch.” Kelsay told Fox news on 2/2/99 that Juanita “was hysterical – her lip was blue and bleeding and her hose was severely torn in the crotch area.” Kelsay says Juanita “told me they had intercourse against her will.” Kelsay told NBC News that Juanita was in “quite bad shape” and her “lips were swollen, at least double in size.”
Bill raped Juanita twice within a span of 15 minutes. Bill bit her lip so hard he almost severed it in half. Then Bill raped Juanita again – for a second time - as he found he could get a new erection. Juanita says:

“Then he said, “My God, I can do it again” and he did.”

Then Bill raped a stunned and in-shock Juanita for a second time, after Bill said ”My God, I can do it again.” . After Bill raped her, Juanita says “I felt paralyzed and started to cry.”
13 years later in March, 1991, just before Bill announced for President, he pulled Juanita out of a health care conference and Bill’s first words were, “Can you ever forgive me? … That was the old me. I’m not the same now. I’m a new man.” [Sellout, p. 131]
Juanita replied “You can just go to hell” and she walked away from the Rapist. [Sellout, p. 131] In 1998, when rape victim Juanita came public in 1998 she was 1) followed by a man in a car and 2) someone broke into her house and stole the tape to her answering machine and let all 3 of her cats out. [Limbacher, Hillary’s Scheme, p. 184]
It was the well used Clinton intimidation team.

Hillary knew about and help cover up
the rape of Juanita Broaddrick
and she brags about setting up Arkansas’ 1st rape crisis hotline

Doug from Upland, a poster on FreeRepublic, personally knows someone (probably Larry Nichols) who was in the room in 1978 with Buddy Young when Hillary came running in and said, “You will never believe what the motherfucker [Bill] did now, he tried to rape some bitch!”
Later at a political rally for Bill being held at someone’s house, Juanita attended it, still terrified to tell anyone publicly that Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton had raped her (twice, within 15 minutes). Juanita wrote in a public letter (10-15-00) to Hillary:

“Do you remember how you [Hillary] thanked me, saying “we want to thank you for everything that you do for Bill.” At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me?
You repeated your statement, but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the last eight years. You said, "Everything you do for Bill". You then released your grip and I said nothing and left the gathering.
What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to continue to keep quiet?” - Juanita Broaddrick

Juanita said that she became physically ill within seconds of Hillary’s grasping behavior and had to leave the party/rally within minutes. Juanita says, “I could have passed out at that moment and I got my hand from hers [Hillary’s] and I left. She was just holding onto my hand. Because I had started to turn away from her and she held onto my hand and [Hillary] said ‘Do you understand? EVERYTHING that you do,’ cold chills went up my spine.” That’s the first time I became afraid of that woman.”
In other words, Hillary was telling Juanita to shut up about Bill’s savage rape of her. In 1998 when Juanita finally publicly said that Clinton had raped her – she had privately out cried to her husband and friends at the time in 1978 – she was audited for the first time EVER by the IRS, run by Hillary’s close friend from Yale Law School Margaret Milner Richardson. Additionally, Juanita’s home was broken into (and her three cats were let loose) just like Gennifer Flowers’ condo was illegally entered in 1992 and Juanita was under surveillance, too. So Juanita gets physically raped by Bill and then she gets financially raped by Hillary when she comes public. That’s Hillary: co-President, co-Governor, co-Rapist.
Juanita is not the only woman Bill has sexually terrorized. Have you ever had a boy dog jump up on your shin and start madly humping it like it thought your shin was a girl dog? That is how Hillary’s fake husband Bill courts women – like that dog madly humping your shin. He also likes to painfully bite girls’ lips. If a girl says “NO” 6 times in a row and finally can’t speak anymore because Bill is savagely biting and chewing her bottom lip, Bill thinks this means “yes.” Actually, he does not care.
Hillary as she campaigns in 2007 tells citizen Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien, “Who is that?” when asked about Juanita. Hillary in typical character lies, “I don’t know what you are talking about” when asked about Juanita on 7-13-07 in Nashua, NH.
[ accessed 7/16/07]

Rhodes Scholar Bill raped a 19-yr-old girl
at Oxford in 1969

In 1969, Bill Clinton raped 19-year-old Eileen Wellstone, while he was a Rhodes Scholar. Eileen Wellstone says she was sexually assaulted by Bill after she met him at a pub. A retired State Department employee later anonymously told Capitol Hill Blue in 1999 “There was no doubt in my mind that this young woman had suffered severe emotional trauma … But we were under tremendous pressure to avoid the embarrassment of having a Rhodes Scholar charged with rape.” Bill left Oxford with no degree.
While Bill was at Oxford, when he wasn’t raping teenaged girls, he was partying, learning how to smoke joints and Bill, according to a friend, had sex with “a minimum of thirty women – and I stress the word ‘minimum.’” [Bill and Hillary, p.83]

Anonymous said...

"You will never believe what the motherfucker did now, he tried to
rape some bitch!" - Hillary Clinton, spring 1978,
referring to Bill's rape of Juanita Broaddrick


[From Robert Morrow Clinton expert 512-306-1510 Austin, TX]

Hillary knew about and helped to cover up Bill's rape of Juanita Broaddrick (4-25-78). Hillary found out about it through the grapevine and came running into a room with a handful of Bill's inner circle and says "You will never believe what the motherfucker [Bill] did now, he tried to rape some bitch!" according to Larry Nichols who was in the room.
Hillary and Bill hate Larry Nichols. They hate Larry Nichols because he, as a member of the Clinton inner circle for 10 years from the late 70's to the late 80's, knows the Ugly Truth about Hillary and Bill and he has revealed some extremely ugly and embarrassing things about them.


Larry Nichols SWEARS that Hillary and Webb Hubbell were having an affair and that Chelsea is probably the seed of Webb Hubbell, NOT Bill Clinton. Larry Nichols tells about the time in early 1978 when Bill was having a meeting with his inner circle of supporters. Hillary barges in - "Hillary yelled "Bill, what are you doing?" Bill replied "Hill, I'm gonna run for governor!" Without missing a beat Hillary said "Well I gotta get in Rose ... I'm gonna fuck Hubbell!" [Melrose Larry Green, Why the Clintons Belong in Prison, p. 270]
After screwing Webb Hubbell (probably), Hillary then began having an affair with Vince Foster who became her best friend, lover, confidant, teacher and most importantly, emotional husband. James Carville, Hillary's close friend, say this about Paula Jones who pervert Bill had exposed himself to in May, 1991 "Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you you'll find." Hillary and Bill are 2 Yale-educated lawyers who have chosen to live a wildly dysfunctional Jerry Springer lifestyle for 36 years. Hillary and Bill are the ultimate in white trash.


Check out post #207 on this FreeRepublic web link to see a photo of the strikingly similar Webb Hubbell and Chelsea:
Webb and Hillary sure have left a lot of clues over the years that Chelsea is the seed of Webb and not Bill. Webb and Chelsea have BIG lips; Bill has thin lips. I am one of the top experts on the Clintons in the USA (world) and in my opinion Chelsea is probably the seed of Webb Hubbell.


Bill was literally making out with another woman - kissing her on the mouth and fondling her breasts - in the bathroom at the "wedding" reception of Hillary and Bill on 10/11/75. A longtime friend of the Clintons saw
“Bill passionately kissing a young woman. He was fondling her breasts. I was so shocked I just closed the door quickly and quietly. They never knew I saw them.” [Bill and Hillary, p. 150] The reality is Bill was having tons of affairs with women before, during and after they got "married" and Hillary was completely aware of this. Only a psychological cripple, someone with a very low self esteem, would marry Bill. Bill married a campaign manager and chief of staff, not a wife.


Not just 5, 6 or 7 affairs. Or even 50, 60 or 70. But hundreds of women from crack whores to affairs with 5 Miss Arkansas and a possible date rape of Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen in 1983. Judy Stokes, who was a good friend of Liz Gracen, thinks Bill raped Liz Gracen. Bill has been screwing hundreds of women before, during and after his "marriage" with Hillary. Bill was even fucking the night manager at the McDonald's in Little Rock. She said his penis was "iddy biddy" but that Bill was a wild man for oral sex ...[I can only imagine the yeast flying ...]



Bill raped Juanita Broaddrick in 1978. He probably raped Eileen Wellstone in 1969 while he was a Rhodes Scholar. Bill probably raped or date raped [same thing] Liz Ward Gracen while she was Miss America in 1983. There have been serveral other vicious sexual assaults with Bill biting the lips and bruising women. Bill exposed himself to Paula Jones in May, 1991 and told her to "Kiss it" when he dropped his britches and displayed his penis - "crooked, hard and gross" according to Paula Jones. Bill also exposed himself to Carolyn Moffett in 1978 and told her to "Suck it." She ran out of the room. Here are 2 good links on Bill's LONG history of sexual violence:


Vince had a wife, Lisa, and three kids. Too bad for them, because Vince was obsessed with Hillary. Vince was the one who recruited Hillary to the Rose Law Firm in about 1976. Then Hillary probably screwed Webb Hubbell and had Chelsea with him. Then Hillary reverted back to Vince as her main squeeze, best friend, lover, confidant, teacher and most importantly, emotional husband. State troopers Larry Patterson and L.D. Brown report that Hillary was definitely screwing Vince Foster. Ditto Paul Fray and Mike Galster, who says it was an open secret in Little Rock.


Hillary was definitely screwing Vince. And I think it is very likely that Chelsea is the seed of Webb Hubbell, NOT Bill Clinton. This puts the Monica Lewinsky affair in a bit different light, doesn't it? Hillary is not a victim of Bill; Hillary is a partner in crime, accomplice and victimizer with Bill.


Gennifer Flowers describes when Gennifer asked Bill if Hillary were a lesbian:

“There's something you need to know. I've been hearing tales around town that Hillary is having another thing with a woman." I watched his face to see his reaction, and couldn't believe it when he burst out laughing. I was stunned! I asked him what was so funny. "Honey," he said, "she's probably eaten more pussy than I have."
Bill said he had known for a long time that Hillary was attracted to women, and it didn't really bother him anymore. His first clue came from her lack of enjoyment of sex with him. She didn't like to experiment and insisted on the missionary position and nothing else. Because she wasn't enjoying herself; neither was he. Sex with her became a duty; nothing more."

[Gennifer Flowers, Passion and Betrayal, p.42]


Back in Arkansas in the 1970's many were convinced that Hillary was a lesbian. If it looked like a duck, walked like a duck, quacked like a duck ... it's a duck! Hillary looked like a dyke, walked like a dyke, had a sewer mouth like a dyke, acted like a dyke ... so people reasonably thought she was a dyke. Hillary would dress down, cuss like a sailor, was rude and belligerent, was aggressive like a man and seemed to tolerate Bill's gargantuan womanizing. Bill confirmed these lesbian rumors with Gennifer Flowers by clearly stating that Hillary "probably has eaten more pussy than I have." Nancy "Peach" Pietrefesa was one rumored to be a lesbian lover of Hillary. I would not doubt this.
Also, Hillary was "outed" at a feminist rally sometime in 1992 or 1993 when a lesbian speaker got up and effectively and approvingly told the crowd that Hillary was a lesbian. And then there was the Clinton aide who said that a well-known Washington veterinarian, "visiting the White House to treat Socks the cat, had opened the wrong door and discovered Hillary locked in a passionate embrace with another woman." [Oppenheimer, State of the Union, p.218]
Based on this track record I think that Hillary is probably having a lesbian affair with her very, very close traveling aide Huma Abedin. Here is confirmation of this from the gossip blog BigHeadDC:

From BigHeadDC:

We're still a bit incredulous on this one, but a top level U.S. Department of Justice official is telling Big Head DC that Michael Musto's rumor about Hillary Clinton fooling around with one of her top female aides Huma Abedin is based in reality!
"I am close enough to Hillary and Huma to tell you that this 'rumor' is true," the official says. "It is well known inside her campaign that Hillary and Huma are an item.
"If you call Hillary's residence in DC first thing in the morning, Huma answers the phone," the official continues. "Same thing late at night and on the road. It's a closely guarded secret that Hillary's inner circle guards at all costs." [November, 2007, Big Head DC]
Huma is a 32 year old exotic looking (half Pakistani, half Indian) very, very, very close aide to Hillary. Huma makes a clerical worker's salary of $31,000/year perhaps with a $15,000 bonus from Hillary. How in the WORLD was Huma able to buy a fancy apartment in a tony area of Wash, DC for $649,000 on 9/18/06? How can she afford to get qualified for a jumbo mortgage based on the fact that she has been working for peanuts for 10 years in Wash, DC, just barely able to pay her living expenses? If Huma paid cash, WHO in the world gave her the money for the purchase or put up a collateral guarantee for her mortgage? I do not think Huma comes from family wealth; both of her parents were university professors and her father died when she was age 17.
Huma runs around as an aide to Hillary, seemingly with not care in the world, contrast this to the other driven, workaholic aides who are constantly on pins and needles, afraid of offending the dragon. Huma is unnaturally relaxed and secure in her "relationship" with Hillary. Huma on her clerical worker's salary, wears a different designer suit every day from the likes of Yves Saint Laurent, Oscar de la Rente, Catherine Malandrino, Charles Nolan and Prada. Obviously, this is coming out of Hillary's fat wallet.
Additionally, Bill has continued to screw girls left and right since he got out of the White House in 2001. His buddy Ron Burkle provides Bill with women and Bill has mostly likely had affairs with Canadian Belinda Stronach and Lisa Belzberg among many others. Of course Lisa Belzburg was married to Matthew Bronfman and has 6 kids with him, but that has never stopped wild Bill before.

So under the dysfunctional standards of the Clintons, it would be prefectly "normal" for bull dyke Hillary to have a lesbian love interest.


What this really shows, besides being another example of the wildly dysfunctional lifestyle of the Hillary and Bill, is that arrogant Hillary feels that she is entitled to a lesbian affair with Huma Abedin and she is stupid enough to not think she is going to get called on this in a general election. Arrogance, an attitude of entitlement, stupidity ... and dysfunction. Hillary's selfishness and arrogance endanger the prospects of the Democratic party and it's agenda. Typical narcissistic Clinton behavior.


"You will never believe what the motherfucker did now, he tried to rape some bitch!" - Hillary Clinton in 1978 just after she had found out about Bill's rape of Juanita. A few weeks later at a political function, Hillary tried to intimidate Juanita into being silent about candidate Bill raping her.


Juanita Broaddrick wipes a tear from her eye during her January 1999 interview on "Dateline NBC," in which she discusses her claim of a 1978 sexual assault by Bill Clinton. -- AP



SUNDAY OCT 15, 2000

As I watched Rick Lazio's interview on Fox News this morning, I felt compelled to
write this open letter to you, Mrs. Clinton. Brit Hume asked Mr. Lazio's views
regarding you as a person and how he perceived you as a candidate. Rick Lazio did
not answer the question, but I know that I can. You know it, too.

I have no doubt that you are the same conniving, self-serving person you were
twenty-two years ago when I had the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on
television, campaigning for the New York senate race, I can see the same hypocrisy
in your face that you displayed to me one evening in 1978. You have not changed.

I remember it as though it was yesterday. I only wish that it were yesterday and
maybe there would still be time to do something about what your husband, Bill
Clinton, did to me. There was a political rally for Mr. Clinton's bid for governor of
Arkansas. I had obligated myself to be at this rally prior to my being assaulted by
your husband in April, 1978. I had made up my mind to make an appearance and then
leave as soon as the two of you arrived. This was a big mistake, but I was still in a
state of shock and denial. You had questioned the gentleman who drove you and Mr.
Clinton from the airport. You asked him about me and if I would be at the gathering.
Do you remember? You told the driver, "Bill has talked so much about Juanita", and
that you were so anxious to meet me. Well, you wasted no time. As soon as you
entered the room, you came directly to me and grabbed my hand. Do you remember
how you thanked me, saying "we want to thank you for everything that you do for
Bill". At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you
kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me? You repeated your statement,
but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the
last eight years. You said, "Everything you do for Bill". You then released your grip
and I said nothing and left the gathering.

What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault
I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you
warning me to continue to keep quiet? We both know the answer to that question.
Yes, I can answer Brit Hume's question. You are the same Hillary that you were
twenty years ago. You are cold, calculating and self-serving. You cannot tolerate the
thought that you will soon be without the power you have wielded for the last eight
years. Your effort to stay in power will be at the expense of the state of New York. I
only hope the voters of New York will wake up in time and realize that Hillary Clinton
is not an honorable or an honest person.

I will end by asking if you believe the statements I made on NBC Dateline when Lisa
Myers asked if I had been assaulted and raped by your husband? Or perhaps, you
are like Vice-President Gore and did not see the interview.

Juanita Broaddrick
Bill’s 1978 rape of Juanita Broaddrick
Bill bites lips when he is in rape mode

On April 25, 1978, Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton, the state’s highest law enforcement official, raped Juanita Broaddrick (without a condom), and while doing so he savagely bit her top lip to subdue her. Juanita was a county coordinator for Bill and a volunteer in his ’78 gubernatorial campaign. Juanita says she will never forget Bill putting his sunglasses on afterwards then telling her to put some ice on her mangled lips. Bill: “You might want to put some ice on that.” Bill, the Rhodes Scholar Rapist, then told Juanita don’t worry about getting pregnant because I had the mumps as a kid and I am sterile. [What makes all this even more sicko is that Bill had recently impregnated Gennifer Flowers and gave her $200 to get an abortion in January, 1978; then 3 months later Bill rapes Juanita and tells her is sterile. Full-blown sociopath.]
Juanita’s friend Norma Rogers-Kelsay found here in her hotel room after the rape. Juanita says “I was sitting there crying and so upset at the time … I felt like the next person coming through the door [was coming] to get rid of [my] body. I absolutely could not believe what had happened to me.” Reporter Jon Doughtery says Kelsay “found Broaddrick in a state of shock, her lip swollen, mouth bruised, and her pantyhose torn at the crotch.” Kelsay told Fox news on 2/2/99 that Juanita “was hysterical – her lip was blue and bleeding and her hose was severely torn in the crotch area.” Kelsay says Juanita “told me they had intercourse against her will.” Kelsay told NBC News that Juanita was in “quite bad shape” and her “lips were swollen, at least double in size.”
Bill raped Juanita twice within a span of 15 minutes. Bill bit her lip so hard he almost severed it in half. Then Bill raped Juanita again – for a second time - as he found he could get a new erection. Juanita says:

“Then he said, “My God, I can do it again” and he did.”

Then Bill raped a stunned and in-shock Juanita for a second time, after Bill said ”My God, I can do it again.” . After Bill raped her, Juanita says “I felt paralyzed and started to cry.”
13 years later in March, 1991, just before Bill announced for President, he pulled Juanita out of a health care conference and Bill’s first words were, “Can you ever forgive me? … That was the old me. I’m not the same now. I’m a new man.” [Sellout, p. 131]
Juanita replied “You can just go to hell” and she walked away from the Rapist. [Sellout, p. 131] In 1998, when rape victim Juanita came public in 1998 she was 1) followed by a man in a car and 2) someone broke into her house and stole the tape to her answering machine and let all 3 of her cats out. [Limbacher, Hillary’s Scheme, p. 184]
It was the well used Clinton intimidation team.

Hillary knew about and help cover up
the rape of Juanita Broaddrick
and she brags about setting up Arkansas’ 1st rape crisis hotline

Doug from Upland, a poster on FreeRepublic, personally knows someone (probably Larry Nichols) who was in the room in 1978 with Buddy Young when Hillary came running in and said, “You will never believe what the motherfucker [Bill] did now, he tried to rape some bitch!”
Later at a political rally for Bill being held at someone’s house, Juanita attended it, still terrified to tell anyone publicly that Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton had raped her (twice, within 15 minutes). Juanita wrote in a public letter (10-15-00) to Hillary:

“Do you remember how you [Hillary] thanked me, saying “we want to thank you for everything that you do for Bill.” At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me?
You repeated your statement, but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the last eight years. You said, "Everything you do for Bill". You then released your grip and I said nothing and left the gathering.
What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to continue to keep quiet?” - Juanita Broaddrick

Juanita said that she became physically ill within seconds of Hillary’s grasping behavior and had to leave the party/rally within minutes. Juanita says, “I could have passed out at that moment and I got my hand from hers [Hillary’s] and I left. She was just holding onto my hand. Because I had started to turn away from her and she held onto my hand and [Hillary] said ‘Do you understand? EVERYTHING that you do,’ cold chills went up my spine.” That’s the first time I became afraid of that woman.”
In other words, Hillary was telling Juanita to shut up about Bill’s savage rape of her. In 1998 when Juanita finally publicly said that Clinton had raped her – she had privately out cried to her husband and friends at the time in 1978 – she was audited for the first time EVER by the IRS, run by Hillary’s close friend from Yale Law School Margaret Milner Richardson. Additionally, Juanita’s home was broken into (and her three cats were let loose) just like Gennifer Flowers’ condo was illegally entered in 1992 and Juanita was under surveillance, too. So Juanita gets physically raped by Bill and then she gets financially raped by Hillary when she comes public. That’s Hillary: co-President, co-Governor, co-Rapist.
Juanita is not the only woman Bill has sexually terrorized. Have you ever had a boy dog jump up on your shin and start madly humping it like it thought your shin was a girl dog? That is how Hillary’s fake husband Bill courts women – like that dog madly humping your shin. He also likes to painfully bite girls’ lips. If a girl says “NO” 6 times in a row and finally can’t speak anymore because Bill is savagely biting and chewing her bottom lip, Bill thinks this means “yes.” Actually, he does not care.
Hillary as she campaigns in 2007 tells citizen Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien, “Who is that?” when asked about Juanita. Hillary in typical character lies, “I don’t know what you are talking about” when asked about Juanita on 7-13-07 in Nashua, NH.
[ accessed 7/16/07]

Dear American Friend,

I have attached my “Hillary file” which is culled from the 205+ books and other media that I have on Hillary and Bill. The Clintons are thugs. On the campaign trail in 2007 Hillary and Bill are play acting as the loving, respectful couple – singing each other’s praises on stage and engaging in public affection as they troll for votes.
In order to understand Hillary and Bill, one must first understand the wildly dysfunctional Jerry Springer lifestyle they have lived for 36 years. Hillary has covered for Bill who not only has had HUNDREDS of women, but also perpetrated several rapes and vicious sexual assaults, often involving biting the lips of the women victims. In order to cover up this Jerry Springer chaos, Hillary has often used Sopranos tactics: a secret police and criminal intimidation tactics to harass, intimidate and terrify Bill’s sex victims and girlfriends.


These tactics include the savage beating/almost murder of Gennifer Flower’s neighbor (Gary Johnson – 6/26/92), criminal harassment campaigns on Kathleen Willey (1997-98 car vandalism, stole or killed her cat Bullseye, witness tampering), Liz Ward Gracen (who Bill probably raped [1983] while she was Miss America – harassed/threats, 1997), Gennifer Flowers (break-ins, threats, 1992), Sally Perdue (car vandalism, threats, 1992), Bobbie Ann Williams (break-in), Christy Zercher (a flight attendant, groped 1992, break-in, 1994), Patrick Knowlton (extreme harassment campaign Oct. 1995; witness tampering), Suzi Parker (a journalist harassed off Arkansas tainted prison blood scandal 1999, fearing for her life), Connie Hamzy (lying campaign, 1991) and Juanita Broaddrick (raped by Bill 1978, break-in and IRS audit when she went public in 1998). It is not a stretch to say that Hillary, Bill and Buddy Young may have organized the murder of their former contract employee Jerry Parks on 9/26/93 because he knew too much about the Clintons.
Hillary and Bill were well on the way to crucifying Monica Lewinsky as an unstable stalker, liar and fantasist - – and would have done so if Bill’s semen had not be found on Monica’s blue dress. Hillary’s private eyes were already digging into Monica’s past, when the real story was the Clintons’ criminal track record.
Additionally, biographer Roger Morris describes a vicious sexual assault by Bill on a woman (around 1980) on p.238 in his book Parters in Power. Journalist Michael Isikoff details a extremely crude sexual advance by President Bill in 1996 on a lady married to a Democratic VIP on p.162 of his book Uncovering Clinton. Additionally, pervert Bill exposed himself to Paula Jones in May, 1991 and also to Carolyn Moffet in 1979.
Other Clinton dysfunctions include Bill’s cocaine addiction as governor, Hillary’s lesbianism and the fact that Chelsea is probably the seed of Webb Hubbell, NOT Bill Clinton. Bill’s only offspring is probably Danny Williams, the product of deadbeat dad Bill’s orgies with (no condoms) drug-addicted street hooker Bobbie Ann Williams and her girlfriends back in 1983-84. Bill paid $200 to Gennifer Flowers so she could have an abortion in Jan., 1978, just 3 months before Bill’s double rape of Juanita Broaddrick on 4-25-78. Bill severely bit Juanita’s lip to disable her during the rapes. Also, wild Bill, brother “Roger the Dodger” and best friend Dan Lasater were partying with high school girls and providing them cocaine when Bill was governor in the early 1980’s.
And, of course, there is Hillary’s long and intense affair with Vince Foster who was her emotional husband while Bill was screwing everything in sight. Hillary has a long record of fomenting domestic violence with Bill. The Secret Service, fed up with this insanity, leaked to the press Hillary smashing a lamp during an argument with Bill. Hillary has often thrown objects at victim Bill.
Hillary has used criminal tactics such as a secret police and illegal IRS audits to go after both political enemies and Bill’s sex victims and girlfriends. It was probably Clintons’ FBI who put a rotating harassment team of 25 people on Patrick Knowlton, a witness in the Vince Foster investigation, on October 26, 1995, and continuing for a week. What the Clintons did to Patrick Knowlton was Clinton street fascism as well as witness tampering.
This was a prelude to the intimidation campaign waged on Kathleen Willey in 1997-98 before her deposition in the Paula Jones case. Paula Jones who Bill exposed himself to, rape victim Juanita Broaddrick, probable rape victim Liz Ward Gracen, and mistress Gennifer Flowers all got audited by Clintons’ IRS in the late 1990’s.
Floyd Brown’s offices were burglarized in 1992 and only his Clinton files were stolen. Brown’s private phone conversations were illegally wiretapped by Hillary’s goon Jack Palladino. Another one of Hillary’s thugs, Anthony Pellicano is in jail in LA for the same kind goon tactics he did for the Clintons in 1992.
Clinton biographer Emmett Tyrrell also had his offices twice broken into and his NY apartment invaded once. The manuscript of Tyrrell’s book Boy Clinton was stolen when he couriered it to Robert Novak for a blurb. Clintons thugs tried to intimidate 2 of Tyrrell’s researchers in Little Rock.
Also, at least one independent counsel in the 1990’s took to carrying a gun after being harassed by Clinton goons in yet another intimidation event.


Many people close to the Clintons describe Hillary as rude, vulgar and abusive, not just with staff and co-workers, but especially with Bill who she made a sport of ridiculing, according to L.D. Brown, Bill’s favorite state trooper. Hillary is well known for making mean, vicious and personally degrading comments often towards people who work for and with her. She probably got that from her dad Hugh Rodham, a deeply disturbed man.
Hillary and Bill are sociopaths, not unlike serial killers such as Ted Bundy. Seemingly personable and normal while brown nosing wealthy contributors or opinion makers, Hillary and Bill have no regard for the integrity and well being of others. They disregard rules and lie with practiced ease, not feeling guilt or empathy for others.
Bill is the kind of guy who can rape your sister upstairs and then come down to the living room and tell you what a great book he has read about women’s rights. Hillary is the kind of person who can be in the kitchen calling up a secret police to terrify your rape victim sister into silence, and then come out to the living room and ask what do you think about her latest speech on women’s and children’s rights.
Some of the goons that Hillary has used to cover up her and Bill’s Jerry Springer lifestyle and criminal activity include Ivan Duda (1982), Jerry Parks (1980’s), Jack Palladino (1992) and Anthony Pellicano (1990’s). Pellicano is now in JAIL in Los Angeles for the same kind of thug intimidation tactics that Hillary hired him for. Also, Buddy Young, the head of Bill’s trooper detail and who Bill made #2 at FEMA, is additionally a dangerous criminal that Hillary and Bill has employed in their black operations. Terry Lenzer is also someone Hillary has used extensively.
Please forward this information to your Democratic friends and co-workers and ask that they (and you) vote for and support John Edwards, Barack OBAMA, Bill Richardson or any other Democratic candidate, and NOT Hillary. The difference is Hillary will break your kneecap to get to the White House; the others will not.
Thank-you and have a great day!

Robert Morrow Clinton expert Austin, TX 512-306-1510