Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I do my resolutions differently than other people. Many people say they'll lose weight get more organized or reattach themselves to something they've drifted away from. Personal objectives that are completed by the individual that don't really directly affect anyone besides themselves. My resolutions are generally ones that will affect other people.

Mostly, I pick out words or phrases that I think are overused, misinterpreted or skewed by America today. Last year I chose "hooking up" and managed to more clearly define the meaning of that phrase.

So here are my choices for 2008.

  1. Giving Back

  2. The Less Fortunate

These are two of the most misused terms in American society and politics today. They're often associated with each other and they shouldn't be. And people who use them as such shouldn't be taken seriously. Both are terms used by liberals to devalue individual accomplishments and are blindly used by liberal sheep being herded into a corner.

Let's first look at the term "giving back". This phrase's basic premise is that the rich did not earn their wealth through hard work and smart decisions. It insinuates that the rich were simply given their money and wealth. When you ask someone to give back, then you're implying that whatever they have was given to them. You can't give something back that wasn't given to you in the first place. The liberals belittle Republican charity with this method. I fully support charitable efforts, but realize that charity is "giving" not "giving back".

Then the "less fortunate" idea. By calling people "less fortunate" we're insinuating that those people are victims of bad luck rather than their own laziness, horrific work ethic and questionable decision-making abilities. To say that the poor are "less fortunate" means that the rich are simply lucky that they wandered into their wealth. Which is true in select cases, but it's just another way to belittle individual achievement again. Which is basically the Democratic Party's main campaign issue, so they'll try every measure possible to take your stuff and give it to these "less fortunate" people.

My resolutions aren't solely mine. You can help too. Just remember to replace "giving back" with "giving" and change "the less fortunate" to "those lazy people with horrific work ethics and questionable decision-making abilities". Nothing to it.

Happy New Years!

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