Sunday, February 25, 2007

Pearls Before Swine

This comic strip is far and away my favorite comic strip today. The Far Side remains my all-time favorite, but as for active strips, Pearls takes the cake. The collection and daily interaction of the anthropomorphic animals just does it for me. One of my new favorite times of the day is dinner time, when I grab a New York Times and a St. Louis Dispatch (which I get mainly for Pearls, since the writing in it rivals an elementary school newspapers) and peruse them over whatever the dining halls are serving.

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Just a sampling of one strip that I relate to. Stephan Pastis touches on so many issues that really annoy people. And since he has a
megalomaniacal Rat as one of his main characters, it's extremely easy for him to make fun of them in a politically incorrect way, as I often want to do.

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