Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Signs of Spring

It's that time of year again that I love so much. My first wave of exams are over, baseball players are reporting to training camp, the snow is melting and I bring the color back to my laptop. During the winter months, I change the settings on my computer from 'blue' to 'graphite' to reflect the weather outside. But yesterday, I changed it back to the vibrant blue and everything just seems more excitable.

I had my first story workshopped this morning and it got rave reviews by the class and teacher. The only issue anyone had with it was the fact that it could have been read almost as screenplay. But other than that, the writing impressed and the story was an overall success.

Everyone needs to make changes now that I'm in office. Including my alarm clock. Poor thing hadn't had to go off before 9am almost ever this year, but this morning she starting chirping at 8.22am. I got up, quieted her and showered before heading out to my first ResLife logistical meeting. Nothing too exciting, and not much actually concerning RHA, but no-shows, the 2007-08 student staff calendar and student staff increases were discussed.

Also, spring brings literature conferences, and in turn they end up indirectly canceling
my English class. Next week, I'll have an English class on Monday. That's it. No class on Wednesday or Friday and our professor will be in Atlanta at a conference.

I don't think I touched on my last Saturday, which was eventful. We started with our PAC executive board retreat (and I officially resigned as the Pershing VP on Tuesday) in the morning and met all morning and afternoon. We ordered Buffalo Wild Wings (with 18 different sauces!) for lunch. We broke after dinner, around 5.45 to take a break and then met back up to go to the Vagina Monologues as a group. They were interesting to say the least. They were much longer (over 3 hours) than I anticipated but some of them were very funny and some very touching. Although some of them had the 'enough already, stop your whining' feel to them. Overall, I thought that we were supporting a good cause and that the presentation of the monologues were good.

Coming up in Pershing we've got a March Madness Bracket Challenge coming up in March and Relay for Life in April, which necessitates a bit of fund-raising. To raise money for Relay for Life we're currently hosting Penny Wars, have a 'Pie Your PA' contest planned and are planning a luau and a St. Patrick's Day party, which all the proceeds will go towards our Relay for Life team.

Coming up in RHA, the External Committee is taking Greg's and my ideas and turning them into actual events. The campus wide Mercenaries game that was so successful last year will be repeated (in April after SB) and an open Mafia tournament (first 100 applicants) will be held in March. And they're planning some kind of casual dance as a pre-final stress reliever.

That's the update from me as I sit in Memorial Union in a down hour between classes.

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